Introducing Herbie Unverpackt
We are delighted to announce Field Coffees are now available in Berlin at Herbie Unverpackt. We asked Carmela to introduce us to the Unverpackt concept and this is what she said. 

Tell us about the unverpackt concept - what is it all about?

Buying "unverpackt" means literally buying without packaging. If you want to find a solution on how to make less waste, here is the answer: buy without waste. If you look at your trash bin, you will see that the 99% of it comes from food and cosmetic plastic packaging.
At Herbie, you can bring your own container, can be anything from glass jars to paper bag to reused plastic bags till Tupperware and so on. You can start buying bar soaps instead of plastic bottles of shampoo and shower gel.
In the shop you can literally find everything: from cereals and flakes, legumes, dried fruits, superfood, pasta, rice, nuts, to cleaning products such as dish soap and all purpose cleaner to accessories for a more sustainable life style. And much much more!

What's a common misconception about the concept?

It is very easy for people to think that buying Bio or zero waste it is spending much more money then supermarket, but it is not like that! We will soon launch a campaign that will show how minimum is the difference! Plus if you buy to small business you will have the opportunity to make something good for the society, not feeding capitalistic monsters such as discounts and supermarkets chain!
And it is also very common for people  to think that making groceries shopping at the supermarket it is easier and faster. But it is not! You will spend no time to make your groceries in a zero waste shop and your bag will be less full then in normal supermarket cause you have Zero packaging! You do not need to bring only glass jars that are heavy and spacious , you can bring anything else!



We're all about celebrating your daily coffee rituals here at Field - what is your daily coffee ritual?

I used to grind a coffee with a Comandante and make a pour ever with Hario tools. But having a business means no more so much time, so I came back to my origin: Italian moka and fresh grounded coffee from an electrical grinder.  Coffee is milky way from Field :)

Herbie Unverpackt
Elbestraße 19
12045 Berlin
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