Pour Over Brew Guide
A pour over can be the best way to drink roasted coffee, and a well extracted pour over is a great way to start your morning ritual!
The goal of this brewing method is to create a clean, juicy and sweet cup of coffee.
Our go-to recipe results in enough coffee for two people and has a 1:16 ratio. This means that for every 1 part coffee there is 16 parts water.
32g of your favourite Field coffee
500g water straight off the boil
- Pre-wet the paper filter in the pour over - this will remove any paper flavour
- Grind the coffee medium-fine - think 'good salt' or a coarse sand
- Using your carafe and pour over on top of your scale add the 32g of ground coffee, start a timer and pour 100g of the boiling water onto the coffee grounds. Give it a good stir to ensure all the coffee is wet.
- For 30 seconds you're just going to watch the coffee absorb that water, swell and bubble a little as it releases CO2 and gets ready for you to start pouring water on it again.
- At the 30 second mark, pour until you hit 250g and pour slow enough that this pour takes you from the 30 second mark to the 1 minute mark. The pouring should be circular and in the middle. Circles like a 50c coin.
- Watch it slowly go down.. but at the 1:20 mark you're pouring again up to 400g. This should finish at 1:40, so its quite an aggresive pour. Circular again.
- At 2mins you can pour the remaining 100g of water in (up to 500g). Get a spoon and knock the edges of coffee into the middle and watch it drain.
- That it, you've done it. Give your coffee a bit of a stir before serving and make sure you pour their cup before your cup for manners sake.